Friday, June 20, 2014

Chinese Nose Bleed

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 I got up, looked up the clock. It was 6:OO a.m. Tuesday, June 17 2O14. I went back to bed because I usually wake up at 7:3O, but after 1O minutes “Jai tayo na diyan, magde-devotion tayo.” (Jai stand up, we’ll have devotion.) So I got up and walked up stairs with dad, where our church is located. We talked about the children who don’t obey their parents.

We ended after 2O minutes and I started my daily routine. I took a bath, dressed up and took off to RECHAB.

After my third class, a Korean teacher came in. He was going to teach us Chinese. Unbelievable! And the first thing he said when he came in was “Nihau” which meant good morning or good afternoon. He also taught us what the alphabet letters really sounds like in China, and other words like “Ni men hau. Lao  shi hau.  Xai jien. And Xie xie.”  The words and translations were funny because they were new to the sense of hearing.
It was raining and dad was late. It was almost 6:OO ,and they’re still out of sight. All the students and some of the teachers have gone home and I was still there waiting. Good thing my classmate, Timothy, accompanied me (he stays in a dorm near our school, lucky for him.) He was with a boy that I knew was grade 4, but when he told me his real age’s 15. I hardly believed him.   Explaining, the boy stopped school when he was young, and was sent to work (that’s why he’s short.)
  Just then I saw mom towards me surprisingly. “Jai your dad’s outside.” She said. “Ok.” I said.  Then I saw her going somewhere pass me.  “Mom, where are you going?” I asked.  “I have a class.” She said.  What class? I thought to myself.

Outside, I saw dad and asked him why he’s late. “Me and your mother bought books.” He said. Books! I knew dad has something important to do when he’s late. During the ride I asked dad about what mom meant about the class she told earlier. And he said that mom is studying counseling. In the house dad gave the book they bought for me which is entitled “1OO Greatest Important Events That Changed The World.”

What a Day

Dear blog,

Ok. About what I said last Friday, when I said that I didn’t eat lunch. Well now I did.

Today is 6:OO a.m., Monday, June 16 2O14. Dad awakened me and my sister for our morning class this day, and my sister was the first one to take a bath ‘cause her class was earlier than mine. My class starts at eight o’clock, not like the time when I was grade six, the class begins at six o’clock exactly.
  So while my sisters taking a bath, I spent my time on sleeping more and preparing my things. My father and I were about to go, when his friend came.  He excused himself to the visitor and promised to be back by the time he service me to RECHAB.
  7:45 a.m. When I arrived, I entered my room, my classmates were there, obviously, and then suddenly I saw Japanese girl had the same pants as mine (only a little longer) and I laughed to myself about it.
  My teachers were jolly and the class was noisy, but before the class started, the eight-grade came in to join the class. I crossed my eyes to Timothy and Gabriel, my classmates. They were quarreling about something. Timothy was teasing Gabriel, and then Gabriel said something to Timothy that I didn’t hear. And then the next second, Timothy’s face was filled with anger and hatred. And the next thing I saw, he was facing a bad finger to Gabriel and started to say bad words.
  Good thing Timothy wasn’t reported to the guidance office and the teacher was not yet there. I hated the way Timothy acted. But who am I to join their childish quarrel. Aesop said “the person who makes traps to others can be trapped by their own.”  He spent the whole day having his face undrawn.
  My scores in English and math were high and I had my recitation well on TLE. This afternoon, I was waiting for dad to get me. I saw the two of my classmates and joined them go inside the library. The library does not look like a library at all. It was dim, and no one seemed to be inside, there were few books and empty computer desks.
We also went inside the music room, where the only thing I saw were rubber mats and a piano, which looks old and loud. My class mates were stunned when they heard me play the piano, but I just played a small part of the piece I learned.
When I saw dad, I ran and saw mom beside him. She was going to visit a friend-a teacher perhaps-. She was holding her new cellphone where she inserted the cp. number of dad.
That night I was waiting for mom. She came home by seven o’clock p.m. with big news on her shoulders. But first I told her about the scores I had in my subjects. Her face brightened because of that and even more brightened when she told me her news; “I talked to the principal and she told me that if you sustain on having good grades, you may have a chance going to Korea this September, you will be a transferee.

I remained there speechless, but things came rushing in my mind. That was a blast!! I was having adrenalin rush. There was excitement and surprise circulating all over my body. I could just shout as loud as I can “I’m going to Korea thank you God!!!!

Friday, June 13, 2014

My First Day

image source:

My mother woke me up 8:OO a.m. Friday, June 13, 2O14. She gave me a good news, it was enrollment day and my my first day in class which was a very big bad news to me, because I thought the first day of class was on Monday and she didn't even told me that it was this day! 

Maybe she did told me yesterday to "Get ready" mom said "tomorrow's enrollment day and..." blah, blah, blah. I didn't listen to the last words of my mother because I was doing something, and now I regret it. So I got up, took a bath, put on my clothes and braced my self.

During the ride, I was thinking on what I was going to do. My heart was thumping loudly, and I don't know why. I tried to relax. I took a deep breath but I can barely breath, like something heavy was laid on my chest. I tried to make an excuse. I said "Mom can we just enroll today and have my class on Monday?" But she didn't answer me. She was busy talking to dad about the money they would pay.

After the 15-minute ride we ended in front of a big gate. Inside I saw a building with a name on top of it. "RECHAB International School" I said to my self. We went inside another building, where I was going to be enrolled on the first floor were the classrooms of the elementary and the middle school, and in the second floor was the principal's office. We went inside. Unfortunately the principal was not there but a woman came up to us and asked us to enroll.

We sat down and I asked mom when did the classes start. She told me that it started last Monday. Well
that surprised me! After my mom signed all the papers, I got down to the first floor to enter my classroom. After my introduction to my new classmates, they gave me a warm greeting and sat down to my chair. I wasn't nervous anymore because my classmates were friendly and there are ten of us in class, two of them are foreigners, a Japanese who is good in tagalog, and a Korean who is learning to speak English.

I didn't eat lunch that day, but it was surprising I didn't feel hungry till the end of the day.